PCS Rules

  • Code of Conduct for Board Members 董事行为守则
  • Code of Conduct for Teachers 教师行为守则
  • Parent Rules (中文  English)
  • General Guidelines for PCS Parent Guards (中文 English)
  • Background Clearance Rules (中文 English)
  • 匹兹堡中文学校未成年志愿者暂行管理规定
  • 匹兹堡中文学校总统义工奖规定
  • How to use PCS online system as a teacher

  • Parent Rules

    为维护正常的教学秩序, 保障学生的安全, 保持租用学校的整洁, 匹兹堡中文学校特制定家长守则如下:
    • 家长应按时将子女送到学校指定的教室, 以保证上课准时进行. 放学后, 按时到学校接学生, 以保障每位学生的安全。
    • 家长应积极参与学生学习过程,在日常生活中利用机会教导子女中文,使中文学习不限于每周两小時的教学。
    • 家长应督促子女按時完成家庭作业及保持作业整洁,主动与老师沟通,以利学生学习。
    • 家长须教导自己的子女遵守学生手册上的规则。
    • 家长应积极参与学校义工,家长会,履行一学期一次的家长巡视员职责(另附)。
    • 全体家长有义务维护学校的正常的教学,活动秩序,并遵守租用学校的规定,勿在咖啡厅以外的任何场所吃东西,喝饮料。
    • 学生和班级的分配及调整, 一律由校方统一安排。 未经校方同意, 任何家长不得擅自调换班级。凡经查对自行换班学生,校方有权立即将该学生送回原班级。
    • 若家长想了解子女上课情况而需听课,须征得教师同意。
    • 家长在学校停车不得停在道路上以免堵塞交通。在残疾人车位停车必须有许可证,不然会受到罚款和拖车的处罚。
    • 住址、电话或紧急联络人等资料有变动时,家长应尽快通知本校註冊組,以期能在紧急事故发生時及時联络到家长或监护人。

    Parents and Guardians Code of Conduct

    • In order to maintain the school order, students’ safety, and the renting facilities cleanness, all students’ parents and guardians must follow these rules.
    • The parents and guardians must send the students to the appropriate classroom before the class and must pick up the students after the class dismissal on time, for their safety
    • The parents and guardians must be actively involved in the students’ study, helping them learn Chinese in daily life, beyond the two hours in class.
    • The parents and guardians must encourage students finish all assignments neatly, and be able to communicate with the teachers.
    • The parents and guardians must help students review and follow the students’ policies and rules.
    • The parents and guardians must attend the parents meeting, and fulfill the requirements of the volunteer work.
    • The parents and guardians must help keep the school order, and follow the renting facilities rules and policies. Do not eat or drink except in the cafeteria.
    • The parents and guardians must not change the student’s classes without the official transfer approval. The classes must be assigned by the school administration. The school has the right to remove student from the class, if that student does not have the proper registration or transfer approval.
    • The parents and guardians must receive the approval from the teacher for listening in the classroom.
    • The parents and guardians should not park the cars on the campus roadways to block the traffic. Cars parked in handicapped spaces without a valid permit may be ticketed and towed.
    • The parents and guardians must notice the school registration for any contact information changes, such as address, phone, email, emergency contacts, etc.

    下载家长守则 (download Parents and Guardians Code of Conduct)

    General Guidelines for PCS Parent Guards



    经中文学校董事会决定,每个有孩子在学的家庭都必须有一位家长每学期做一个下午的巡视员服务, 但有以下情况者除外: 父母双方或一方为学校员工或董事会成员。 没有履行巡视员义工职责的家庭将需要缴纳 $50 服务费。


    无论有几个子女在中文学校就学,每个家庭每学期只要求做一个下午的巡视员服务。具体工作时间是1:50 PM-5:10PM。训导处会定期给家长们发送邮件,提醒家长通过预约表网上预约适合自己的时间和值班位置。如有特殊原因迟到、早退或缺席,您必须事先与训导处联系以便给您调换日子或做其它的安排。
    1. 如果您负责一个教室:到校后立即去教室检查课堂里的布置, 并留守在教室里直到老师的到来;在老师缺席或外出(如课间休息)时负责维护教室里的秩序;在该课结束后帮助老师收拾教室或活动场所。务求回归原样。
    2. 如果您负责一个楼层:您必须巡视并负责该楼层的安全、安静和清洁;根据学生守则对学生行为进行引导和规范,并及时将异常情况报告到训导处。
    3. 如果您负责整个校园:您必须巡视校园并看护停泊的车辆;引导停车;盘问并阻拦可疑人员进入大楼;阻拦本校学生独自离开
    4. 如果您负责健身房或餐厅:您必须巡视并负责学生们的活动安全,室内清洁,帮助义卖或筹款,以及放学后的整理工作。
    训导处负责巡视员的统一调配与登记。请家长在到校后速到位于餐厅的训导处签到,领取巡视员工作牌,并在您完成巡视员工作后回到训导处签离。 学校不时会举办一些书展、讲座、家长会、比赛及总结大会,请听从训导处新的安排。

    根据宾夕法尼亚州儿童保护服务法,学校志愿者需要向学校提供背景调查记录文件。详情请见: Background Clearance Rules (中文 English)


    General Guidelines for PCS Parent Guards

    The PCS Parent Guard policy is an extension of the Parent Volunteer Service policy that has been implemented for years. Operating on the rented premises, PCS has a large number of students and classes but a limited number of teachers and administrative staff, which makes it necessary to call for the PCS parent guard services to ensure smooth operation of the school, and to create a safe and enjoyable learning environment for our students.

    Who Must Serve as a Parent Guard?
    PCS Board has decided to make the Parent Guard service mandatory for all families who have children enrolled in the school, except when both parents or one parent is committed to teaching, administration, or board member at the school. Parent Guard service will be required for a 3-hour afternoon per family per semester. A service fee $50 will be applied if the required service is not fulfilled.

    Major Responsibilities for a Parent Guard:
    A Parent Guard is responsible for safe-guarding the school and especially the students, protecting school properties from any damage, and restoring the assigned classroom to its original setting after each class.

    Hours of Duty for a Parent Guard:
    Each family is required to serve one afternoon per semester, regardless of the number of children enrolled by the family at PCS. Hours of duty are from 1:50 PM-5:10PM. Guidance will regularly email parents with parent guard signup form so that you can choose a time and a position suitable to you. If for any reason you expect to be late, absent, or leaving earlier, please notify the Guidance Office to reschedule or make other arrangement accordingly.
    Specific Job Descriptions:
    1. If you are assigned as a Classroom Guard: You must inspect and wait in the assigned classroom until the teacher arrives, maintain order in the classroom in the absence of the teacher, and help the teacher restore and tidy up the classroom after each or the third class is over, whatever applies.
    2. If you are assigned as a Floor Guard: You must patrol and keep the entire floor quite and clean, guide or discipline students according to our published PCS regulations, and report promptly to the Guidance Office any suspicious activity or abnormal situation.
    3. If you are assigned as a Campus Guard: You must patrol the campus to watch over our vehicles in the parking lot, guide vehicle parking, and stop strangers from entering the building and PCS students from leaving school alone.
    4. If you are assigned to work in the Cafeteria or Gym, you are responsible for the safety of the students, helping school to do fund-raising, and cleanup and restoring everything after school
    Where to Report (Sign In and Sign Out)?
    The Guidance Office is responsible for coordinating Parent Guards within the school and tracking parents who have not completed their service commitment. You must report to the Guidance Office located in the Cafeteria by signing in before proceeding to your assigned location and signing out after completing your Guard duties. During the hours of service you are required to wear a badge which has your responsibilities printed on. Occasionally the school has some other activities; you must follow the Guidance Office’s instructions if you are assigned to a different location.

    Background clearances are required for school volunteers according to Pennsylvania’s Child Protective Services Laws. For details, please refer to: Background Clearance Rules (中文 English)

    Please contact the Guidance Officer or the Principal if you have any questions. Thank you, PCS parents, for your continued support to us for your children’s education!!

    Background Clearance Rules

    根据宾夕法尼亚州儿童保护服务法,匹兹堡中文学校要求所有参与学校运营的人员(包括董事、行政管理人员、教师、助教、家长巡视员及其他志愿者) 必须向学校提供以下背景调查的记录,并且每隔五年必须向学校重新提交更新的背景调查记录。 任何参与学校运营的人员如果因可导致丧失与儿童工作资格的罪名被拘捕或定罪,依法必须在72小时内通知中文学校。
    1. Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance (虐待儿童历史调查)
      ( https://www.dhs.pa.gov/KeepKidsSafe/Clearances/Pages/PA-Child-Abuse-History-Clearance.aspx)
    2. Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History Clearance (宾夕法尼亚州犯罪历史调查)
      ( https://www.dhs.pa.gov/KeepKidsSafe/Clearances/Pages/Criminal-Background-Check.aspx)
    3. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Criminal History Clearance (联邦调查局犯罪历史调查)
      ( https://www.dhs.pa.gov/KeepKidsSafe/Clearances/Pages/FBI-Fingerprinting.aspx)
      过去十年连续在宾夕法尼亚州居住的无偿志愿者,可以提交豁免声明 ( PA Resident FBI Background Clearance Exemption) 代替联邦调查局犯罪历史调查。
      无偿志愿者的 Service Code 是 "1KG6ZJ",有偿合同工(比如计酬老师)的 Service Code 是 "1KG738"。
    更多相关资料请见 http://keepkidssafe.pa.gov/, How to Obtain PA Child Abuse, Criminal and FBI Clearances.

    Background Clearance Rules
    According to Pennsylvania’s Child Protective Services Laws, PCS requires all personnel participating in the operation of PCS (including board members, administrative staff, teachers, assistant teachers, parent guards and other volunteers) must provide the following background clearance records and update the relevant background clearance records every five years. Anyone participating in school operation must notify PCS within 72 hours if s/he is arrested or convicted for an offense that may disqualify her/him from working with children.
    1. Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance
      ( https://www.dhs.pa.gov/KeepKidsSafe/Clearances/Pages/PA-Child-Abuse-History-Clearance.aspx)
    2. Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History Clearance
      ( https://www.dhs.pa.gov/KeepKidsSafe/Clearances/Pages/Criminal-Background-Check.aspx)
    3. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Criminal History Clearance
      ( https://www.dhs.pa.gov/KeepKidsSafe/Clearances/Pages/FBI-Fingerprinting.aspx)
      An unpaid volunteer that has been residing in Pennsylvania continuously for the entirety of the past ten years can submit a statement ( PA Resident FBI Background Clearance Exemption) to be exempted from the FBI criminal history clearance.
      The Service Code for unpaid volunteers is "1KG6ZJ" and the Service Code for contractors (e.g., paid teachers) is "1KG738".
    For more information, please go to http://keepkidssafe.pa.gov/, How to Obtain PA Child Abuse, Criminal and FBI Clearances.